12 Oct Commercial Group’s Company Culture: Setting Intentions

Meetings may not be everyone – or anyone’s – favorite thing. But they are a necessity for the workplace. The main challenge is making sure that the meeting is productive. Kevin Johnson, the founder and CEO of the Commercial Group, overcomes this challenge by setting an intention for each meeting.
At the beginning of the meeting, Kevin defines the reason for the meeting and the goal he wishes to accomplish. Here is an intention from a recent meeting:
“Lift the cultural vibration of the company and clarify expectations by taking ownership, leading by example, and speaking clearly and honestly from my heart for the purpose of experiencing peace and feeling proud.”
After setting the intention for the meeting, the team meditates for 30 – 60 seconds to make themselves fully present. At the end of the meeting, there is a check-in to make sure that the meeting accomplished the intention. These steps set the stage for a productive meeting.